Picture To Text

Use this picture to text converter to extract and copy text from images quickly.



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How To Convert Image To Text?

Follow these simple steps and let this OCR tool start online picture text extraction:

Step 1: Upload Picture

Step 1: Upload Picture

Upload an image into this converter.

Step 2: Start Conversion

Step 2: Start Conversion

Click “Convert” button to extract text from image

Step 3: Save Converted Text</

Step 3: Save Converted Text

Finally, copy the extracted text or save it into editable text format.

Why This Image To Text Converter?

These features stands out this converter to scan and extract text from photos and scanned documents:

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

This image to text converter makes text extraction simple and reliable for all users, mainly designed for ease of use.

AI-Based Text Extraction

AI-Based Text Extraction

This image text extractor leveraging powerful AI technology for accurate and precise text recognition from images or scanned documents.

Handwritten Recognition

Handwritten Recognition

Works perfectly to convert handwritten notes or documents into editable digital text format.

Rapid Processing:

Rapid Processing:

Only a couple of clicks are required to get text from image with efficient Optical Character Recognition processing.

100% Free:

100% Free:

Helps to convert picture to text without any cost, even there’s no hidden fees or subscriptions required.

Multiple Upload Options

Multiple Upload Options

Allow to upload files from mobile, device or cloud storage, and even paste by URL for ease importing

Highly Secured

Highly Secured

Your data is protected with strong privacy measures, all the files automatically deleted post-conversion.

Multiple Import Formats

Multiple Import Formats

Supports all common image formats like jpg, jpeg, png, heic, bmp, and more for seamless text extraction.

Translate The Converted Text

Translate The Converted Text

Assists to translate the extracted text into over 100 different languages for global reach.

Convert In Batch:

Convert In Batch:

Save time by using the picture to text converter as it works to process multiple images at once in a single go.

Multiple Export Formats

Multiple Export Formats

This pic to text converter functions to copy text from picture after conversion or even lets you save the extracted text in formats like docx, PDF, etc.

Detect Math Equations

Detect Math Equations

Scan, recognize, and extract mathematical equations from images without any hassle using this online OCR text extractor.

Detect Math Equations

Support Blurry Images

Allow to extract text even from blurry or low-quality images with advanced OCR technology.

OCR Supported Languages

OCR Supported Languages

It supports a wide array of languages for OCR processing, ensuring global usability and reliability.

Universally Accessible

Universally Accessible

Scan, extract, and digitize text from images on any device or operating systems with this free online converter.

Who Can Use Our Picture To Text Converter?

These are the reasons that make this OCR tool stands out for the text extraction process:



Easily convert images of notes, assignments, or textbooks into digital text for the ease of revision and study.



Allow to digitize printed materials for lesson planning, grading, or sharing with students quickly.

Free Lancer

Free Lancer

Making transcription and data entry easier by extracting text from pictures and scanned documents.



Enables text extraction for contracts, records, and reports to enhance productivity.



Turn images of written articles, notes, or content into digital format for content creating and editing concerns.



Efficiently extract and digitize contextual data from printed sources, articles, handwritten notes, or screenshots for analysis and references.

People Also Ask

Why do we need to convert image to text?

Converting and extracting text from images allow users to edit, share, and save the data stored in images easily and efficiently

Can I use this tool to extract text from logos or banners?

Yes, if the embedded text in the logo or banner is clearly readable.

Can I extract text from images with complex backgrounds?

Yes, but high-contrast images with clear backgrounds come with better accuracy in text extraction.

Does the tool support images taken with a mobile camera?

Obviously, as long as the text is perfectly readable and clear.

Will there be a premium version with extra features?

Possibly in the future, but the basic OCR image text extraction remains free.

Can it recognize text from screenshots?

Yes, this image to text converter functions to get text from screenshots.

Can I Convert a Scanned PDF file into Editable Text?

Yes, this photo to text converter can easily convert images and scanned PDF documents into editable text format using AI-driven OCR processing.

Does it work on mobile devices?

Absolutely, our OCR image text extractor is fully compatible with both mobile and desktop browsers.

Can I convert my JPG to text without software installation?

Yes, you can use an online picture to text converter to transform JPG images into digitized text form, as it does not require any software or plug-in installation.

Can I edit the extracted text?

Once the text is extracted, you can easily edit and copy it with no hassle.